List of SDA Pioneers with Pictures and Names


Below is a beautiful list of Seventh-day Adventist Pioneers along with their pictures, names, birth dates and death dates. Notice what the word of God says about the pioneers and their writings and works:

The standard bearers who have fallen in death are to speak through the reprinting of their writings. I am instructed that thus their voices are to be heard. They are to bear their testimony as to what constitutes the truth for this time.  {Selected Messages book 1} Book code: {1SM 161.1} 

Early Workers to Speak.–God has given me light regarding our periodicals. What is it?–He has said that the dead are to speak. How?–Their works shall follow them. We are to repeat the words of the pioneers in our work, who knew what it cost to search for the truth as for hidden treasure, and who labored to lay the foundation of our work. {Counsels to Writers and Editors} Book code: {CW 28.1}

They moved forward step by step under the influence of the Spirit of God. One by one these pioneers are passing away. The word given me is, Let that which these men have written in the past be reproduced. And in the Signs of the Times let not the articles be long or the print fine. Do not try to crowd everything into one number of the paper. Let the print be good, and let earnest, living experiences be put into the paper.  {Counsels to Writers and Editors} Book code: {CW 28.1}

Pioneers List With Pictures, Names, Birth Dates And Death Dates:

William Miller
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Joseph Bates
Birth Date:
Death Date: 
George Storrs
Birth Date:
Death Date:
John Byington
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Stephen Pierce
Birth Date:
Birth Date:
Charles Fitch
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Joshua Himes
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Hiram Edson
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Samuel Snow
Birth Date:
Death Date:
William Farnsworth
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Josiah Litch
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Rachel Preston
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Roswell Cottrell
Birth Date:
Death Date:
O. R. L. Crosier
Birth Date:
Death Date:
J. H. Waggoner
Birth Date:
Death Date:
James White
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Ellen G. White
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Merritt Cornell
Birth Date:
Death Date:
J. N. Andrews
Birth Date:
Death Date:
George Amadon
Birth Date:
Death Date:
J. N. Loughborough
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Uriah Smith
Birth Date:
Death Date:
S. N. Haskell
Birth Date:
Death Date:
G. I. Butler
Birth Date:
Death Date:
A. T. Jones
Birth Date:
Death Date:
E. J. Waggoner
Birth Date:
Death Date:
W. W. Prescott
Birth Date:
Death Date:

We hope you have enjoyed this list. Please share it with those who desire to know the men and women who God had used to lay the Foundaion of Adventism.


19 responses to “List of SDA Pioneers with Pictures and Names”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Yes, these will lead those who are among those saints who will resurrect in the special resurrection….

  2. Unknown Avatar

    We thank God for them. The only way we can them back is to remain in their doctrines as affirmed by the spirit of God. I love their studies a great deal.

  3. Cristian Avatar

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    Great staff

  5. Oniel Salmon Avatar

    Happy Sabbath. You are welcome and thanks for stopping by.

  6. Oniel Salmon Avatar

    Happy Sabbath. Thank you for your comment and to God be the glory.

  7. Mafo Chinyemba Avatar
    Mafo Chinyemba

    The real men and women of steel. All for the flame of living fire which shone so bright in their hallowed hearts

  8. Marcy Avatar

    I came across an real old tin type photo that has the name Josiah Litch.

  9. Ron J Pride Avatar
    Ron J Pride

    Where’s Edson White, or C. M. Kinney, A. G. Daniels, O. A. Olson?

  10. GEORGE KIBUKU Avatar

    Bravo ,God’s Generals for hard and sustained work through prayer, fasting, searching for truth as hidden treasures.
    I daily thank God for you for He delivered the greatest light ever trusted to mortals. Let their truth shine in the last generation of Adventists. Republish this great light and send it everywhere where His people are, for these languishing souls need now.Lets go back to the ancient paths and we shall find rest for our souls. Jeremiah 8:16

  11. Sophia Avatar

    Thank your for sharing. important how Sabbath started.

  12. Nancy V Avatar
    Nancy V

    It was an informative and insightful.
    Thanks a lot for sharing.

    Kind request – Could you also please include the information on what those beautiful people contributed to our Adventist world in a short note? I think it will be helpful for our young generation.

    Thanks a lot.

    1. Advent Cry Avatar
      Advent Cry

      Happy Sabbath. We will consider it by God’s grace.


    Thanks for sharing, great men of the living God.


    faith of our fathers living still….. we will be true to thee till end.

  15. Linda Nanoh Avatar
    Linda Nanoh

    On what date was Papua New Guinea Union Mission organized and where was it situated in?

  16. Daniel Falia Avatar
    Daniel Falia

    It is a great privilege for us to know our pioneers who sacrificed and present the truth from the BIBLE. It is my moral duties to hold the truth and give the witness to other who have no Biblical Light. First I will follow Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle (IEL)

    I will never be discourage but depends upon God and will spread the message Revelation 14:6-14 to my work place where I will stay and where I will go.

  17. Paul Mangok Avatar
    Paul Mangok

    glory to God for the beautiful reminding, indeed we are told to let the death Speak

  18. jeff simpson Avatar
    jeff simpson

    i’ve read many statements that it was either sister white or a small number, 5 or so, that came up with the doctrines. i don’t know if it was at the time of the first GC meeting, before then or after, but i have read where she wrote of that time, where the meetings lasted days, sometimes late into the night, times where they had to take breaks, eating and such, but the impression i got was some were due to differences or heated opinions. they would break and come back beginning with prayer such as to put aside their own beliefs, seeking only to know God’s word and will, and when everyone had prayed there would be such humility, repentance, forgiveness that everyone knew the Spirit of God was there. this, in my view, is what God wanted from the reformers, to put aside their own views and seek what the bible says. here is the question i have. how many people were involved in that gathering to form our doctrines so that there is an answer to those who claim our doctrines were from sister white or just a few men. i don’t know if you have that answer but perhaps you could direct me to someone who may. thank you.

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